Jun 28, 2020
Dog Training Q&A - Stop Dog Humping - What Would Jeff Do? Ep.700 (2020)
#DogTraining #StopDogHumping
This show's topics included... Dog depression at daycare. Stop dog humping. And more!
Original air date: 6/26/2020
Shop a hand picked selection of items used at Solid K9 Training & by Jeff...
Jun 26, 2020
Dog Training Q&A -Training Calm with Double Down - What Would Jeff Do? Ep.699 (2020)
#DogTraining #TrainingCalmwithDoubleDown
This show's topics included... Training Calm with Double Down. The effectiveness of no. Dominat Dog collars. And more!
Original air date: 6/24/2020
Shop a hand picked selection of items used at...
Jun 21, 2020
Dog Training Q&A - Stop a Dog that Eats Everything - What Would Jeff Do? Ep.698 (2020)
#DogTraining #DogEatsEverything
This show's topics included... Controlling a cane corso on walks. Female dog tries to crate with the male dogs. Muzzle duration. Stop a Dog that eats everything. And more!
Original air date:...
Jun 19, 2020
Dog Training Q&A - Are Tired Dogs Calm Dogs - What Would Jeff Do? Ep.697 (2020)
#DogTraining #TiredDogsCalmDogs #UnpredictableBiterDog
This show's topics included... Are Tired Dogs Calm Dogs. Training a dog after surgery. When a dog is an unpredictable biter. And more!
Original air date: 6/17/2020
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Jun 17, 2020
Dog Training Q&A -Reactive Dog Training - What Would Jeff Do? Ep.696 (2020)
#DogTraining #ReactiveDogTraining
This show's topics included... Reactive Dog Training. Training a dog to have bite inhibition. Stop dogs from having food aggression. Dogs and high prey drive. And more!
Original air date: 6/15/2020
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