Jun 29, 2018
What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #141
Getting a longer duration in Place or any obedience command for that matter can be accomplished with "punishment for non-compliance of a known command", especially if you are trying to get a dog to be nice and calm. You can absolutely use whatever motivator you want...
Jun 29, 2018
What Would Jeff Dog? Dog Training Tip of the Day #139
"If you love your job you will never work another day of your life"
That is one thing that is often quoted over and over again and used to inspire folks to find work you love (you should) start your own business (thats not for everyone though) and leaves a lot though...
Jun 18, 2018
What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #136
You use a shock collar because your lazy!
that seems to be one of the things that the haters love to say,
its actually the farthest thing from reality actually.
If you think that you can just push a button and your dog is going
to sit/down/place/heel and come back to...
Jun 18, 2018
What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Tip of the Day #135
It is very common in a lot of dog training methodologies to just completely have your dog avoid any situations that makes the dog uncomfortable. NEVER have your dog uncomfortable, NEVER have your dog be in fear, NEVER have your dog get nervous about something, and...
Jun 18, 2018
What Would Jeff Do? dog Training Tip of the Day #134
This weekend in Long Island I am working with lots of different dogs and people, one of the dogs in particular is highly dog reactive and a big bite risk. So the first thing we did was stop the dog from lunging at other dogs and had the dog just hang out with a bunch...