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Dog Training Q&A What Would Jeff Do?

Dec 24, 2015

What Would Jeff Do?  #312 Original Air Date  12/23/2015

What Would Jeff Do Weekly Q&A Webinar on Mondays & Wednesdays broadcast on Periscope @SolidK9training. Hosted by Jeff Gellman and Linda Gellman. This week, Jeff and Linda host live from the RV as they continue on the RV Dog Trainer tour across the USA....

Dec 22, 2015

What Would Jeff Do?  #311 Original Air Date  12/21/15  #AskJeff

What Would Jeff Do Weekly Q&A Webinar on Mondays & Wednesdays broadcast on Periscope @SolidK9training. Hosted by Jeff Gellmam. This week, Jeff hosts live from the RV as they continue on the RV Dog Trainer tour across the USA. Upcoming stops include...

Dec 17, 2015

What Would Jeff Do Weekly Q&A Webinar on Mondays & Wednesdays broadcast on Periscope @SolidK9training. Hosted by Jeff Gellman and Linda Gellman. This week, Jeff and Linda host live from the RV as they continue on the RV Dog Trainer tour across the USA. Upcoming stops include Norfolk, VA; Ellenton, FL; and...

Dec 15, 2015

What Would Jeff Do?  #309 Original Air Date 12/14/15

What Would Jeff Do Weekly Q&A Webinar on Mondays & Wednesdays broadcast on Periscope @SolidK9training. Hosted by Jeff Gellman and Linda Gellman. This week, Jeff and Linda host live from the RV as they continue on the RV Dog Trainer tour across the USA. Upcoming stops...

Dec 11, 2015

What Would Jeff Do?  #308 Original Air Date 12/10/2015

What Would Jeff Do Weekly Q&A Webinar on Mondays & Wednesdays broadcast on Periscope @SolidK9training. Hosted by Jeff Gellman. This week, Jeff hosts live from the RV as they continue on the RV Dog Trainer tour across the USA. Upcoming stops include Norfolk, VA; And...